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Quick Setup Guide

Welcome to the Customer Service AI Agent workshop! Let's get your environment ready for development.

Prerequisites Check (5 minutes)

  1. Azure Account Setup

    # Login to Azure
    az login
    # Set subscription
    az account set --subscription <your-subscription-id>
  2. Python Environment

    # Check Python version (3.8 or later required)
    python --version
    # Install required packages
    pip install azure-identity azure-ai-projects azure-ai-inference azure-ai-evaluation azure-ai-contentsafety azure-monitor-opentelemetry

Project Setup (10 minutes)

  1. Create AI Foundry Project

    from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential
    from import AIProjectClient
    # Initialize client
    credential = DefaultAzureCredential()
    client = AIProjectClient(
    # Create project
    project = client.projects.create(
        description="AI-powered customer service agent"
  2. Verify Access

    # Test connection
    models = client.models.list()
    print("Available models:", len(models))

Environment Variables

Set these required variables:

export AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID="your-subscription-id"
export AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP="your-resource-group"

Interactive Setup Notebook

For a hands-on environment setup experience, you can use our interactive Jupyter notebook:

Launch Environment Setup Notebook

This notebook will guide you through: - Installing required packages - Setting up Azure authentication - Initializing the AI Project client - Verifying access to models

What's Next?

In this workshop, you'll: 1. Deploy a GPT model for customer service 2. Create an intelligent support agent 3. Evaluate and monitor performance

Let's start by accessing AI Foundry to deploy our model!